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Student ID Card (UniCard)

The HPU UniCard will be issued to students upon their first enrollment at HPU. It serves as the official HPU student identification card and is considered to be the property of HPU. The HPU UniCard is valid as long as a student is enrolled at the university. 

Card Issuance

Students must be registered for at least one HPU class and must present a valid government issued photo ID (e.g., driver’s license, state ID, passport, etc.) before they can receive their official HPU UniCard. Each student is entitled to carry only one active card. Employees who are taking classes do not receive a separate student HPU UniCard. Individuals appointed as graduate assistants (GA) and graduate teaching assistants (TA) are issued a student HPU UniCard. The name printed on the HPU UniCard is the individual’s chosen name as recorded in the Hawai‘i Pacific University database. Names on cards will not carry titles. 

Profiles, hats, headbands, sunglasses, etc., are not allowed when photographed for the HPU UniCard. According to the Department of Finance of the City and County of Honolulu, Rules and Regulations of the Director of Finance, Part 30, “Applicants shall remove any hats, head-dress, etc. so as not to obscure more than two-thirds of their full-faced photograph.” The only exception to the removal of headgear will be based on ”religious beliefs…these [exempted] applicants shall submit a written explanation as to why they are unable to comply, including furnishing the name and sect of their religious belief.” 

Identification Card (HPU UniCard) Checks: All students of Hawai‘i Pacific University are required to obtain, carry, and update a university-issued identification card.  To ensure the safety of HPU students, faculty, and staff, a campus security officer or university official may ask to see a university-issued identification card. If requested, a student must present the ID card and under certain circumstances surrender it to the official. Refusal to present a current university identification card may result in denial of access to university facilities, events, activities, and/or services. Unauthorized use may warrant confiscation and/or disciplinary action through the Code of Student Conduct. Hawai‘i Pacific University has the right to prosecute any unauthorized person(s) who trespasses or loiters on university property. 

HPU UniCard Use and Purpose: A student should expect to present their HPU UniCard to complete university business in such places as the Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid Office, and Business Office; and to gain access to events and facilities such as the Learning Commons (ATM), Waterfront and Atherton Libraries, Hawaii Loa Dining Commons, Pier Nine by Sam Choy, the Hawaii Loa and ATM Fitness Centers, and for registration in the eSports Arena. 

Printing: The HPU UniCard allows students to use printing and copying equipment in HPU’s computer labs and libraries. Based on a portion of the Technology Fee and/or monies students choose to put on their card via PaperCut to the print management application, students may print black-and-white or color copies in the computer labs and libraries. Charges are standard across university printers and are posted at the print locations as well as in the ITS Client Portal Knowledge Base. 

Library Card: The HPU UniCard serves as the library card for the university’s libraries. Students may use their HPU UniCard to borrow books and other materials at the libraries on both campuses. To activate the HPU UniCard for library services and create or renew your library account, please bring the card to the main service desk at either the Library at Waterfront or Atherton Library anytime during open hours. 

Replacement Cards: The first HPU UniCard is free of charge to all enrolled students. Subsequent cards issued to the same cardholder will be considered replacement cards whether the previous cards are lost, damaged or stolen and the cardholder will incur a fee of $25. A request for a name change (e.g., marriage) resulting in the issuance of a replacement card will also incur a fee of $25. A name change request must be made at the Registrar’s Office prior to printing a replacement card. If it is determined that a name is incorrect due to university error, no charge will be assessed to the cardholder for a replacement. 

Lost or Stolen Cards: Lost or stolen cards should be immediately deactivated by calling the HPU Security Office at (808) 544-1400. The university is not liable for lost or stolen cards and refunds will not be issued for unauthorized use of a lost or stolen card. The card holder will be responsible for unauthorized transactions resulting from the loss or theft of their card. If the previous card is found after a replacement card has been issued, students cannot reactivate the original card. Damaged or mutilated cards must be surrendered at the time of replacement. Upon the issuance of a replacement card, remaining balances will be transferred to the new HPU UniCard. 

Expiration Dates: There are no expiration dates shown on the HPU UniCard. If a student does not register for 12 months, the account will be deleted from the HPU ID system and all the funds on the card (technology fee, cash or printing funds) will be forfeited to the university. If the student reapplies and enrolls again with HPU, a new card will be issued with no fee. 

Safeguards/Restrictions: To ensure that the HPU UniCard is maintained in the best possible manner, please make sure that the card is not left in a vehicle’s glove box, on the dashboard, around the rear-view mirror or anywhere else within a vehicle. The heat that builds up within a closed vehicle can warp, crack or break the card rendering the card unusable at locations that accept the card on- or off-campus. 

The HPU UniCard should not be defaced. Please do not punch holes or alter the card in any way to make it easier to carry or use with a keychain. The HPU UniCard has an embedded microchip engineered within the card itself. This microchip allows for physical access into approved locations on campus. Drilling or punching a hole in the HPU UniCard will compromise the card’s ability to work properly. It is also recommended that the HPU UniCard not be kept in close proximity to credit cards, magnetic devices, or mobile phones. 

Please do not affix stickers or make any other modifications to the HPU UniCard (exceptions include TheBus pass). Such alterations may create problems when trying to use the card for official university business, vending or card swipe functions. 

Disclaimers: HPU is not liable for financial loss or criminal repercussions associated with lost, stolen, damaged or fraudulently used cards. 

Confidentiality: Student account and personal information will be kept strictly confidential between the student and HPU, in accordance with law. Outside parties will not be given access to any confidential information about students or their accounts, unless express consent is received or we are asked to comply with a government agency or a court order.

Currency: All HPU UniCard accounts are in U.S. dollars. We cannot accept any foreign currency. 

Technology Fee and HPU UniCard Credit Policy: For more details, please contact the Learning Commons (ATM) or the ETC on the Hawai‘i Loa campus.

1.       Technology Fee: Refers to the fee amounts for part-time and full-time undergraduate and graduate students online at

2.       Any printing funds acquired through the technology fee at the end of the semester will be forfeited.

3.       Any printing funds that the student adds (not through the technology fee) will roll over to the following semester and will not be lost.

4.       If the student graduates or leaves the university, the remaining credit is non-refundable and will be forfeited.

5.       HPU UniCard Deposits: A student may deposit more money on the UniCard through PaperCut. Instructions on how to add credit is located at


Who gets the $18.00 printing credit?











