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Change of Grade Policy

Once an instructor has submitted an official grade report to the Registrar’s Office, a grade can only be changed within one year from the end of the semester in which the course was taken.  To initiate a change, a Change of Grade Report Form must be filed by the instructor of record.  In cases where the instructor of record is unable to file the Change of Grade Report Form, the instructor’s department chair (or program chair) will file the form.  All Change of Grade Report forms must be approved and signed by the Dean of the College in which the course was taken.

Final semester grades can only be changed for the following reasons:

1)      Arithmetic or clerical error

2)      Omission of assignments or parts of assignments in calculating the final grade

3)      Student appeal (see Student Handbook “Academic Grade Appeal Procedures for Students”)

Grades cannot be changed to:

1)      Save a student from an academic penalty (e.g. probation, dismissal etc.)

2)      Allow a student to graduate

3)      Allow a student to graduate with academic honors

4)      Allow a student to maintain academic eligibility for athletics, co-curricular activities, scholarships or financial or other benefits (e.g. veteran benefits)

Final grade changes cannot be made on the basis of work submitted after the semester is concluded.  For students unable to complete all course work by the end of the semester due to emergency and extraordinary situations and who may be eligible to submit work after the semester has concluded,  please see the Course Incomplete Policy.