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Academic Grade Appeal Procedures for Students

The assessment of a student’s academic performance and the assignment of a grade is the faculty member’s responsibility and prerogative. Evaluations are arrived at in accordance with the academic and professional judgement of the instructor and faculty make every effort to ensure that grades reflect the merit of each student’s performance.   

It is assumed that the final course grade assigned is correct; thus, the student assumes the burden of proof in appealing a grade. 

Only the final course grade may be appealed.  Students may appeal a final course grade on the following grounds only:

1)       A mathematical error in the calculation of the grade or a clerical error in the recording of the grade.

2)       Arbitrary or capricious grading defined as assignment of a grade without any reasonable basis.

3)       The assignment of a grade on a basis that is inconsistent with those assigned to other students in the same class.

4)       The assignment of a grade which deviates significantly from expectations stated on the syllabus and where the instructor failed to notify students of the change.

5)       Failure of the faculty member to follow published course policies.


The following are NOT grounds for appealing a grade:

1)       Disagreements with published course policies (for example, grade weighting methods or attendance policies).

2)       Disagreement with the professional judgement of the faculty member.

3)       Differences in classroom policies or grading schemes in different courses or between different sections of the same course.

4)       A grade’s impact on a student’s academic progress or record.

5)       A grade’s impact on athletic eligibility.

6)       A grade’s impact on eligibility for veteran’s benefits.

Students who desire to appeal a final course grade must follow the process described below:

1.       The university will not consider grade appeals initiated more than 45 days after the end of the semester in which the grade was awarded.

2.       A student who believes they have been assigned an improper grade initiates first an informal appeal by sending a written request to the instructor.  The instructor will meet with the student, review the grading procedures used to determine the grade assigned with the student, decide whether or not to grant the appeal, and inform the student in writing of his or her decision. If the instructor of record is not available, the department chair or designee may act in lieu of the instructor of record for the purpose of grade appeals.

3.       If, after careful review of the grading procedures, the student is still dissatisfied, the student may initiate the formal grade appeal procedure within five days of the instructor’s decision through the department chair. If the faculty member is the department chair, the formal appeal shall be made to the academic dean. Students must submit a letter and provide supporting documents to the department chair. Supporting documents must include:

  • a statement addressing how the appeal meets one or more of the criteria necessary for an appeal

  • a description of the efforts to resolve the grade dispute with the instructor of record

  • a copy of the course syllabus and any relevant assignment instructions

  • any other relevant documents that the student would like to be reviewed as part of the appeal process

4.       The department chair will meet with the student and the faculty member, either individually or collectively, to review the grading procedures within five days of the receipt of the appeal.

5.       The department chair will make a recommendation to the faculty member based on their assessment of the situation within three days.

6.       If, after consideration of the department chair’s recommendation, the faculty member does not change the grade and the student is still dissatisfied, they may notify the academic dean will be notified within three days.

7.       The academic dean will be provided with all relevant materials and will try to mediate a resolution between the faculty member and student within five days.

8.       If, after the academic dean has met with the student and faculty member and the student is still dissatisfied, the student may petition for a hearing board as referenced below. If the student wishes to appeal the academic dean’s decision, they may request a hearing. A petition letter and all supporting documents must be filed with the Office of the Provost within 10 working days of receiving the academic dean’s response.

9.       If the Provost approves the petition, he or she will empanel an Academic Conduct Review Board. The Dean of Students or their designee serves as the non-voting Board facilitator and the Board will be comprised of an academic dean chosen by the Provost, two faculty members and two representatives from the Student Government Association. The Provost or their designee reserves the right to alter the composition of the Board at his or her professional discretion, with the expectation that the committee will comprise both faculty and students. If the Provost elects not to approve the student petition, then the process is concluded and the academic dean’s decision is upheld.

10.    The members of the Academic Conduct Review Board will review all relevant documents and meet separately with both the student and the instructor. At their sole discretion, the Board may also call other individuals who are deemed to possess relevant information. All decisions made by the Board will be made by majority vote of all members.

11.    The recommendation of the Academic Conduct Review Board will be final. The Provost will notify the student of the Board’s decision within three working days. 

If the student’s complaint is based on discrimination, refer to “Discrimination or Harassment Complaints” under “Student Complaint Procedures” in the Student Handbook.