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Harbor Waters and Piers Safety and Security Protocols


The Port of Honolulu is a busy, working commercial harbor. As such, various safety and security protocols are in place to protect people, and to protect maritime operations from those who might seek to disrupt our State's economic lifelines. 

DO NOT ENTER HARBOR WATERS (OR AIR TRAFFIC) -- A maritime Security Zone is in effect for Honolulu Harbor which prohibits anyone from entering the water. The Security Zone is actively enforced by personnel stationed atop Aloha Tower as well as land and maritime patrols. Violations carry stiff enforcement penalties under Federal Law to include fines up to $25,000 and possible criminal penalties. Anyone found in violation of the Security Zone will be apprehended by Department of Transportation (DOT) Harbor Police or the U.S. Coast Guard. Also, air traffic over the harbor is restricted, which includes a prohibition on the use of remote operated drones. 

DO NOT CROSS PAINTED SECURITY LINE ON PIER -- When passenger carrying boats are in-port, whether large or small, a Facility Security Plan for the adjoining piers is active which prohibits all persons, except authorized crew and visitors, from crossing the painted line. Anyone found in violation of the Security Zone will be apprehended by Department of Transportation (DOT) Harbor Police or the U.S. Coast Guard. 

DO NOT BOARD VESSELS -- Vessels moored (tied) at State piers are private property. Certain vessels have heightened security and dedicated patrols as required by Federal law. Security personnel maintain a vigilant posture and constantly conduct surveillance of potential threats. Also, visiting ships may be registered in another country and are essentially protected by, and regarded as, extensions of those countries. Violators or trespassers may be subjecting themselves to unforeseen consequences. 

ON "BOAT DAYS", EXPECT MORE CONTROLS (AND TRAFFIC) -- Aloha Tower Marketplace (ATM) is co-located with a busy waterfront managed by the State DOT Harbors. As such, cruise ships occasionally tie to the piers. As a result, certain replenishment or security operations will impact foot and vehicle traffic. In particular, when cruise ships are moored, a Facility Security Plan is activated and additional controls are put into place. Additionally, group transportation providers (i.e., taxi cab drivers, bus drivers, charter coaches) are busy parking, picking up passengers, and loading/unloading baggage. Cross ONLY at designated crosswalks. 

AVOID SLIPS, TRIPS & FALLS -- As a working waterfront for vessels, operations occur 24/7 around-the-clock and may include water replenishment, fueling, crew changes, etc. Such operations involve equipment on the ground, security barricades, hoses, shipboard lines under strain (which could snap with great force), open hatches (covers) on the piers, strong vapors, puddles of liquids, and related hazards. As such, persons should maintain their distance at all times and be alert to the possibility and hazards on the ground and overhead. 

NO VEHICLES ON PIERS -- Piers surrounding ATM are working berths for vessels. Only authorized vehicles are permitted to drive on the piers (Harbormaster Notice). 

DO NOT OBSTRUCT FIRE LANE TO ALOHA TOWER -- The stone paved area from Aloha Tower Drive to Aloha Tower is a designated access lane for emergency responders. As such, persons should not obstruct or otherwise construct or organize any temporary structures, displays, or demonstrations in this area. 

NO SMOKING – Upon ANY wharf at ALL times, and within 50’ of any fueling (19-42-114). 

NO FISHING -- At any time from the piers surrounding ATM (19-42-137). Questions may be referred to HPU security personnel or Harbors’ Oahu District at 808-587-2070. 

Pursuant to the Hawaii Revised Statute (HRS 266-28), if a person’s actions result in a fine for the Department of Transportation (DOTH), then DOTH will seek reimbursement for the full amount of the fine. Questions on anything above may be referred to HPU security personnel, or Harbors’ Oahu District at (808) 587-2070. 

Students who violate such safety and security protocols may be subject to disciplinary action (eviction, suspension or expulsion) via the Code of Student Conduct. Reference: Information above provided by the Department of Transportation Harbors (DOTH); Harbor Waters and Piers Flyer.