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Student Conduct Office

Guided by HPU’s mission, university values (aloha, kuleana, and pono), and student conduct and conflict resolution practices, the Office of Student Conduct is committed to (1) educating students about HPU‘s expectations regarding the ways in which each person will act while studying at HPU; (2) promoting the personal growth of those involved in the conduct process by focusing on accountability, awareness, concern, commitment, decision-making, and community responsibility; and (3) cultivating character (e.g., honesty, respect, integrity, accepting responsibility, empathy, mutual care, active concern for the safety, security and well-being of others and property) through dialogue, reflection, and action. For students to be successful at HPU and be leaders of tomorrow, all must play a positive role in shaping community experiences and actively working together to make things right. 

Primary Functions

  • Provide information about expectations, policies, procedures, and rights and responsibilities within the Student Code of Conduct, as well as support services, resources, and programs.

  • Facilitate informal and formal proceedings (including mediation) and when necessary, impose sanctions and/or repair any harms) for violations in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct.  

  • Support impacted parties by sharing options and resources. Offer educational trainings and prevention programs on various topics (such as alcohol and drugs) that promote university values and responsible citizenship. 

Contact Information

Information regarding Student conduct should be sent to Carly Morman,